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* PMI-PBA (Professional in Business Analysis) Prep Course

Open Management Program
Business analysis preparation course for the certifications Certified Business Analysis Professional C (CBAP®) and PMI Professional in Business Analysis (PMI-PBA)®.

This program provides all the required knowledge and skills required to perform business analyst duties by professionals who take on such a role.
The duties of a business analyst (and in which each participant in the program is trained) include:

the evaluation of the needs of the company (organizational needs),
the investigation and management of the requirements that must then be met (requirement management),
the suggestion of specific solutions to the administration (solutions),
stakeholders management,
the preparation of benefit-cost analysis and finally
close cooperation with project managers.
In conclusion, the program introduces the participants to the way of thinking that is the basis for professionals who take on the duties of business analysts and offers them the necessary tools and techniques of modern management.

Course objective

The purpose of the program is on the one hand to gain an international reputation and recognition certification and on the other hand to understand and acquire the ability to apply modern business analysis tools in everyday work.

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